Please do not assume anyone’s pronouns, gender identity or sexuality.
Before entering the party, you might be asked questions about the party and our values, If we see that you do not fit in the party (mostly safety wise), we will not allow you in, your ticket will not be refunded in this case..
If you were suspicious about someone being shady or if you witness someone misbehaving or not respecting consent or being too intoxicated, please reach to the awareness team, they will be wearing green vests. if you couldn’t find them, talk to the people at the bar
Please respect boundaries, and personal spaces, and always ask for consent. if someone is violating consent or is not taking no for an answer, reach out to the awareness team.
Respect people’s Nos and move on. if someone doesn’t seem interested in engaging with you, don’t bother them anymore and don’t attempt to approach them again
When rejecting people, please be respectful and don’t be rude.
No form of classism, racism, transphobia, transmisogyny, lesbophobia, biphobia, panphobia, ageism, fatphobia or kinkshaming will be tolerated.